Ever played Blackjack and yielded a not-so-great result? Well, you’re not alone, I think we’ve pretty much all been there at one point or another, especially when we first started out as complete newbies at the age of 21. Nevertheless, now you needn’t despair at the thought of not knowing enough Blackjack strategy to get you through the game without depleting your bankroll as we’ve not only written a comprehensive guide but have also taken it up a notch and created an interactive blackjack trainer for you to enjoy using on desktop or via a blackjack app! This way you can easily do your blackjack practice and learn how to increase your bankroll in the long run!

What is a Blackjack Trainer?
Online Blackjack is one of the most famous card games which is played on online casinos. That said, it is not a very easy game, and the players do need a blackjack strategy trainer in order to master the game. Blackjack Trainer is a platform through which beginners in online blackjack can learn to apply basic strategies while playing blackjack in casinos. Essentially, it’s free blackjack practice! The blackjack trainer is very easy to use, and it is sure that once you use this platform, you will be nearly perfect in applying basic and correct strategies in this game. The cash and bets in blackjack strategy trainer are like the standard blackjack and there is one difference and that is the score which you are able to see at the bottom of the page is not based on your wins or losses but upon your strategy play. While playing in the free blackjack trainer, you have to look for the correct and incorrect indicators that light up based on your move. If you use a proper strategy, then the correct indicator will light up, and when you use the incorrect strategy, the corresponding indicator will light up. Your count will increase if you use the proper strategy, and it will decrease if you use the incorrect strategy.
Facts About Our Blackjack Trainer
- Blackjack is one of the few games where players have a level of control over the outcome;
- With a Blackjack Trainer you can choose which level of training you want;
- It is a great way to have an online free blackjack practice
- Good Blackjack Trainers will focus on perfecting your strategy by giving clear indicators whenever you make the right or wrong move.
Blackjack trainer offers many variables to the players which they can set for themselves like the volume, the quality of gaming, and the difficulty level which is from easy to expert. There is also a stopwatch which you can keep on or off according to your needs. For example, in the expert mode, a stopwatch is on, and if you react too slowly, it will result in a penalty.
How to Use the Blackjack Trainer

1.) Select Your Level Of Play
Our Free Blackjack Trainer allows you to choose from three different levels of play. The different levels of play that are available are ‘Easy’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Hard’. In order to proceed with your blackjack online practice, you must click on one of them.

2.) Select The Amount That You Want To Bet
After you’ve selected your level of play, the next thing you’ll have to do is select your bet. The minimum bet in our Blackjack Trainer is $1 and the maximum bet is $100. However, you’ll also be able to place bets of $10 or $25 on the betting table, if you desire. It’s important to note that our Free Blackjack Trainer will provide you with a total amount of $500 as free money to use whilst playing the game. Once you’ve selected your bet, you’ll then have to click ‘Deal’. When you’ve selected ‘Deal’, your cards will be dealt out face up for you to see, however, if you change your mind about how much to bet, don’t press ‘Deal’. Instead, go ahead and click on ‘Clear’ in order to clear any bets from the table.

3.) Choose Whether To ‘Split’, ‘Hit’, ‘Stand’ or ‘Double’
Once you’ve seen your cards, you’ll then have the option to ‘Split’, ‘Hit’, ‘Stand’ or ‘Double’ by clicking on the green buttons displayed in CasinoTop10’s Blackjack Strategy Trainer. Yet, don’t be so quick to select a button, be sure to look at your cards first as well as our Strategy Chart below first in order to perfect our strategy! If you happen to make a mistake in regard to your choice of manoeuvre, there’s no harm done. You wouldn’t lose any money and your trainer will tell you that she disapproves of your choice and how you can better it next time around.

4.) Click On The Trainer’s Comment
When you get a comment from the trainer, just click your mouse button to continue. After the hand you’ve been dealt is taken into account, your trainer will tell you whether you’ve won the hand or not.

5) Click On The Game To Start A New Round
Provided that you’d like to play again, place your cursor back on the game and your mouse button anywhere on the screen to get a new hand. Once the game has reset, your current balance will be displayed below and you’ll manage to play another round by following the previous steps above.
Why Learn Blackjack This Way?
The game of Online Blackjack attracts millions of gamblers in both live and online casinos. Two of the factors that have served to fuel its popularity are the game’s simple rules as well as the fact that it allows you to implement strategy whilst playing the game. Here are a few reasons to learn how to play the game by using our fantastic Blackjack Strategy Trainer, one of the best free blackjack apps, instead of diving into a real money game right away.
Reasons To Use Our Blackjack Strategy Trainer
- Our Trainer is Free: Ok, so our free Blackjack Trainer isn’t the first one to hit the online casino realm. But it’s one of the only great blackjack apps available that’s totally cost-free. That’s right now you don’t need to sign up for any costly Blackjack training programs, as our dedicated staff have managed to create one and give you free play money to use whilst you enjoy betting away and learning about the strategy! Take a look below.
- CasinoTop10’s Blackjack Strategy Trainer will aid you to implement a strategy: Our free Blackjack Trainer serves to help you implement a strategy in order for you to get the blackjack basic strategy practice involved in playing this game. If you play it right, you will increase your odds of winning and radically reduce the house advantage. Provided that you’ve already read through your Blackjack Strategy, you know that Blackjack not just is a game of luck – there is plenty of strategy and skill involved.
- Our Trainer will give you tips to better it: Our Strategy Trainer will give you tips to better your strategy. Upon making a mistake, a prompt will appear on your screen in order to give you advice on the manoeuvre which you should have ideally selected instead.
Increase Your Chances of Winning
The Blackjack trainer presented to you here is a fun alternative to sticking your nose into a strategy book. By using it, you’ll eliminate the need to invest in any expensive online Blackjack training programs. This tool is totally free of charge. Blackjack trainer and using the Blackjack strategy chart are the best ways in which you can improve your skills in blackjack game and you can train yourself to apply correct move every time you play blackjack. So sit back, relax, and brush up on your blackjack terms before you head to play this wonderful casino classic at a real-money desktop or mobile casino!